Monica + Chance's wedding reception in Nanton

Monica and Chance's wedding reception was hosted at their family farm house in Nanton this summer.. and I have seriously never been to a more chilled out wedding affair. Although they eloped about a year ago, their family flew in from pretty much across Canada to celebrate their union. This sunny summer reception was relaxed and as fun as their vibrant personalities. I was obsessed with the super colourful summer outfits.. little 'hot pink' dress always for the win! Their farm also had llamas amongst many other animals, I mean it officially cannot get any better, can it? It can - only if your couple is willing to lie down in the middle of a field for photos. These are the kind of days that make my photographer heart explode with joy! I had the best time photographing these two and their extended families at this cute little farm, with a rustic feel and unbeatable mountain views... couldn't have asked for better summer days this year :)

Manisha + Fredrik's wedding in Vancouver

I love love stories, I’m a sucker for happy endings. And when it involves love that knows no boundaries literally, oh you can bet there will be fireworks at such a special wedding!

Mani and Fredriks wedding in Vancouver was a real global melting pot, with friends and families from Norway, to India to Australia coming together to celebrate this gorgeous couple’s nuptials that lasted over three days.

The colours, the energy, and the you can see I went a bit click happy! Thank you Mani and Fredrick for giving me the chance to capture your happiness.