Long Weekend Extended Family Reunion

Sonia contacted me just before the last long weekend to organize a photoshoot for her family reunion in Calgary. Long weekends are not just a great time to spend with family, but an opportunity to capture memories across generations. With over 40 years of marriage, 3 kids and 3 grandkids, you know there's a lot of love to share! I absolutely loved my time with this super fun family and you can see why. From their outfits to their fun personalities, everything was nearly perfect for this extended family session :)

The Lau family: Mandy + Howard + Hazel

This summer has been absolutely super for family photo sessions. The weather has been warm and luckily enough, we haven't had much rain on the weekends. On one such beautiful summer day, I met the Lau family at one of my favourite parks in Calgary... and we had an absolute blast! Hazel was just the cutest little kiddo, with her funny faces and the most adorable smiles. Obviously, I was obsessed with her and followed her all around the park clicking crazy and you can now see why :)

The Binder Family

I've had the pleasure of working with the Binder family a couple of times last year and I've only grown fonder of them with every time I meet them! I am seriously obsessed with these girls, I mean just look at them - how can you not? Their sweet smiles, matching outfits and crazy antics have stolen my heart on a many occasions and I can never get enough of them.

I am so sad that they will be soon moving out of Calgary and I will terribly miss them! We planned their summer 'Farewell Calgary' photoshoot on a bright sunny day (with just a tad bit of rain) and had an absolute blast by the infamous Bow river. Hopefully this isn't the last time I see them as I can't wait to see these happy faces grow older!